St James Preschool now subscribes to the Communications App OWNA for all families. Your child’s Learning Journal is uploaded every day giving you a snapshot of the activities and learning your child has experienced throughout the day with the whole class.

At the end of the first semester you will receive your child’s individual Developmental Summary. This is discussed at parent/teacher interviews held annually.

Each term staff complete formal Observations and Noticings for your child's development to assess against their personal goals and the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework). Parents will receive these through OWNA.

At the end of every year your child receives their Portfolio to keep, which shows their learning journey through the year. This includes photos, observations and work samples - including paintings, craft and name writing. The Portfolio provides a wonderful, tangible memory of each child’s preschool learning. These Portfolios can be viewed anytime throughout the year to understand your child's individual goals and their progress.
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